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Why choose Oculoplastics?

The main reasons why patients undergo eyelid surgery are to improve the function of the eyelids, the way they look and to remove lumps from the eyelids. The appearance of one's eyes are central to facial expression, and this is affected by age changes of the eyelids. The main eyelid procedure is called blepharoplasty, it is one of the most commonly performed plastic surgery procedures worldwide.

Patients often remark that they look less tired, and more energised in themselves after blepharoplasties. The growth in popularity of this procedure is thought to be due to the importance of appearance in the workplace and a wish to look younger, be more active and see better.

Why choose Oculoplastics?

What can it fix?

  • Abnormal eyelid lumps
  • Drooping eyelids
  • Impaired vision from the eyelids
  • Sunken eyelids
  • Bulging eyelids
What can it fix?

We Can Help With

Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty

This will fix droopy overhanging eyelids that look bad, cause frequent blinking, or impair vision. If necessary, this will be combined with upper eyelid blepharoplasties or brow stabilisation, to reduce the need for unnecessary additional surgery.

Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty

This is often requested by patients who are fed up with under eye 'bags' or puffiness. Similarly, lower eyelid cosmetic surgery can be combined with other procedures, particularly midface lifting.

Eyelid Lumps

It is important to remove eyelid lumps for two reasons:

1. To ensure the lumps are benign and will not continue to grow and cause problems in the future.

2. To improve your eyelid's appearence.

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